Sister, Kurt, Jack-Jack, and Geske got here today. Needless to say, work took a back seat and Logan and I headed on over to Mom's. As usual, Logan was beside himself to see Jack. He absolutely idolizes that little boy - so different they are but so much love between them. It always warms my heart to hear them off in their own little world..."I love you Jack-Jack" "I love you too Wiggin." I just feel so blessed to not only have my precious boy, but to also have this incredible experience that I can share with my sister.
My sister, my baby sister, is turning 40 on Sunday. I couldn't believe it when it happened to me and I can't believe that it is now happening to her. Weren't we just fighting over the phone and borrowed clothes? Hmmmmmmm......
As my sister and I have "matured" so, too, has our relationship. Don't get me wrong...we still have our moments of silliness (which now translate into psychotic breaks) but for the most part, the relationship we share is one of mutual respect for the differences between us.
I can't imagine experiencing this journey called motherhood without my sister. Her guidance, advice, and words of comfort have been invaluable. The many doubts I have had about myself as a parent have always been met with words of reassurance from her. "It's okay...It's normal...You're going to make it through this" have so much more meaning coming from her as she had been through it all only months before.
The bond between sisters is quite an amazing one...the emotions are strong on each end of the spectrum. The love/hate relationship runs deep - the love far outweighing the hate that so held us back in our younger years. I respect my sister, I value my sister, and I love my sister like only a sister can.
So, happy birthday to you my dear baby sister!!!