Pronunciation: \ˈtan-trəm\
Function: noun
Etymology: origin unknown
Date: 1714
:a fit of bad temper
Bad Temper
Function: noun
:a persisting angry mood
To say that my precious little muffinhead has been in a "persistent angry mood" thus eliciting "tantrums" sounds so, well...clinical. I think the more appropriate definition would be:
"Creature of apparent human species measuring approximately 30 pounds in weight and 36 inches in height. Outside appearance is almost angelic yet very misleading. May instantaneously, and without provocation, sprout horns from the cranium and a forked tail from the gluteus maximus. Take every precaution necessary to avoid hurling insults and flying spit. Full body armor may be indicated to avoid sudden and uncontrollable movements from said creature's arms, legs, and head. Hot Wheels traveling at the rate of 35 mph from across creature's domain may, and will, occur on a usual basis. Creature will also engage his opponent in biting, scratching, pinching, and hair pulling. Loud, persisting, high-pitched, gutteral noises are also a tactic used by said creature to break down and eventually destroy his enemy."
Yep...that about sums it up around my house these days. Lil pumpkin has just been such a joy the past few weeks. Yet through all the insults, spit, fists in the face, kicks in the shins, Hot Wheels to the head, and clumps of missing hair, I consider myself so very blessed for I know just how much my son really loves me...after all, "You always hurt the ones you love most!"
And on a much lighter all the chaos of this thing called my life, little man came into my office and announced to me, with such pride and excitement in his voice, "Look Mommy...I have new tattoos!"