Thursday, March 24, 2011

Anxiety Girl

Thank goodness for Xanax!

Push My Button

Brilliant!!! Wish I could take credit for this but alas, it is not mine to take credit for.

Positivity in one's world is so essential. Lately, positivity has been lacking in mine. I am bound and determined, however, to make it my mission. And yes, you can help! Uplifting, positive, kind thoughts wanted within, so...
Go ahead - PUSH MY BUTTON!!! (but not this one - the one over there)

{You will be taken to this entry's page. Just leave a positive comment. The more, the better!}

The Sound of Silence

Ssssshhhhhh...Listen - can you hear it? Me either! Silence -- I honestly don't know what to do with it. It's so foreign to me that I am at a loss with it. What do I do? Turn the television up to full volume? Crank up some Motley Crue? Or should I just sit and take it all in...get lost in it...surround myself with it?

Wait...what was that? "Mommy, watching?" "Butt clean as a whistle?" Hmmmm, must have been my imagination. truly is golden!