The definition of who I was slipped silently away the day my son was born only to be replaced by a "newer" version of me - that of Logan's Mommy. I embraced that definition whole-heartedly and wore it proudly. And for three years, it was enough. Until...until I felt a little tap on my shoulder and heard a voice in my ear whispering (rather incessantly) that it was okay to be "Tia" too. For three years, I had forgotten that not only was I Logan's Mommy, I was also Tia. But for three years, all I wanted was to be Logan's Mommy. I was content and happy to set aside me and devote my life to my son. Don't get me wrong, I still am. But I have also come to realize that my identity should not be dependent on my son. What a heavy responsibility for a little guy to carry. In order to be the best mommy I can be to my son, I must also be the best Tia I can be for me.
And so the transformation began - out with the old and in with the new. First on the agenda, the hair. After all, it's instant gratification right? New cut, new color, new attitude. Mama's feelin' good!!! But why stop there when there was so much more to be done.
On July 25, 2008, I would begin the next leg of my journey. With the help of my physician, I would embark on a lifestyle change that has brought me such a feeling of accomplishment and pride. The journey to Thin, Healthy Tia. To date, I have lost 20-pounds (in three weeks)!!! Not only have I drastically changed my eating habits, I have also began exercising daily. With each pound I shed, I can feel myself slowly creeping back. I have more to lose to reach my personal goal but the motivation is strong and my will is determined. So far, I'm liking the "New Old Me."
06/29/09 - UPDATE - I have lost 33 pounds...WOO HOO!!! Seven more to reach my total goal by the end of August.