Friday, March 25, 2011


Each time my little man is away from me, I sit for hours glued to my computer screen looking at old photos and videos. And each time, I feel that old tug of what was. The old cliche "they grow up so fast" really doesn't even BEGIN to describe just how fast they DO grow up...and, eventually, away.

For now, I will hold tight to my baby's hand and help him grow and discover his world. And although some day he will expect me to let go of that hand, with hesitation I will. But...I will forever hold on to his heart!

The Elusive Peace

1.  A state of tranquility or quiet;
     a.  A freedom from civil disturbance;
     b.  A state of security or order within a
          community provided for by law or
2.  Freedom from disquieting thoughts or
3.  Harmony in personal relations.
4.  a.  A state or period of mutual concord
            between parties.
     b.  A pact or agreement to end
            hostilities between those who have
            been at war or in a state of enmity.

Dear Peace,

How I long for you.  You are the first hope in the morning and the last prayer at night.  I have searched for you endlessly for years to no avail.  At times, I can see you peeking around the corner.  I run to you at full throttle only to find you have, once again, disappeared into the abyss.  For short, sporadic moments I have enjoyed your company but your visits are brief.  Teasing almost.  I know you are out there, somewhere.  I would love to welcome you a place to reside.  I will ask nothing of you...just your presence.  If you need directions, I will eagerly supply them.  I will even meet you half way if necessary. 

Oh, you are more than welcome to bring your companion along with you, Hope!

Blessings to you.  I look forward to welcoming PEACE and HOPE into my world!