April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month...a subject VERY close to my heart. All who know me, and know me well, know that children are my passion - their health, safety and welfare above all else. To break the spirit and soul of an innocent child is something that we must not tolerate. We must not remain silent. We must take a stand and let our voices be heard for those who, through no circumstance of their own, do not have a voice.
There are many organizations out there that help abused and neglected children each and every day. My dream, my hope? - to see these organizations close their doors. Why? Because their services will no longer be needed. Child abuse and neglect will have been erradicated. In a perfect world!
Unforunately, this world is FAR from perfect. So, until we get closer to the erradication of child abuse, these organizations are much needed. The organization closest to my heart is CASA - Court Appointed Special Advocates. As a volunteer CASA for two years I was able to see first-hand just what this amazing non-profit organzation does to help those who need them most. It was a privilege and an honor to be a voice for the children and to know, through one little smile, one tiny touch, one whispered thank you, that I was making a difference.
There is so much all of us can do to raise awareness of child abuse and neglect. It is our responsibility to do that. Don't go quietly if you see a child being hurt...SAY SOMETHING, DO SOMETHING! Let that child know that someone DOES care!
Please take a moment to visit your local CASA organization or National CASA at: