My little boy is now a computer whiz (watch out Bill Gates). He can navigate his way around and with the ease and proficiency of a pro. A mouse is no longer a nasty rodent in his world but a tool to transport him to far away adventures...Dora's Star Mountain Golf Course, Diego's Railroad Rescue, and Blue's Shape Forest. He can dress Max and Ruby, play kickball with Wubbzy, and paint a masterpiece with Zak and Wheezie like nobody's business.
Logan spends hours each day at the computer - MOM'S computer. My ONLY remaining sacred space has been overtaken by a three-year-old with an attitude. Pens, papers, and reference books have now been replaced with trucks, balls, and playdough. What's a mom to do??? ANSWER: Get the three-year-old with an attitude his own computer.
Buster boy will now be able to sit at his own desk, in his own little corner of my office, and play to his heart's content on his very own computer. We Love You, Gippy!!!

1 comment:
Awesome and I love his outfit LOL!!
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