I've never really considered myself "lost". Yes, I've questioned my purpose and many times thought that I had found it. I've come to realize, however, that my purpose cannot be defined by any given moment, event, or action. Just as I am a complex human being, so, too, is my purpose. Each road I have travelled I have done so for a reason, a reason that may have been unknown to me at the time but one that made itself perfectly clear by the time I reached the end of that road. Each "avenue", each purpose defines who I am. I don't question them but rather accept them taking with me the tools I need to continue my travels.
My "purpose", my "calling" is simply to be the best human being I can be in my time on Earth - the best mother, the best daughter, the best sister, the best auntie, the best granddaughter, the best niece, the best cousin, the best friend, the best employee, and above all else...The Best Tia!!!
~Montel Williams

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