My sister gave me a wonderful book right after Logan was born. It is called, "Raising You Alone." It is a beautifully illustrated story that explains to little ones some of the challenges and differences in being raised by a single parent. Each time I read this story, I am brought to tears.
As a single mommy, to an only-child, I often wonder if my son is being deprived...deprived of love, companionship, and security. I do the best I can but often wonder if it is enough. I wish I could give him the world and everything good in it...the sun, the moon, the stars!
Logan's father is a great dad. He adores his little boy and is very active in his life. He treats his son with respect and guides him with a steady hand. The lessons he teaches him are those that only a father can. For that, I am grateful.
Each day I pray that I will make the right decisions for my son and he will grow to be a kind, loving, and secure young man. I hope the lessons I teach him as a single mommy will be enough.
"Will I ever have enough
to give you everything I think you'll
want or need?
Toys and books and clothes and college?
All the big and little stuff
that says I love you,
and I want you to succeed?"
"I will be there when it matters -
cross my heart, no matter what.
If it's important to be there, I'll find a way.
Out on the field, the court, the stage -
I'll try to be there on the dot.
I want to stand and clap my hands at every play."
"There isn't anyone
that I will ever love as much as you.
And so I promise you, by all the stars above,
no matter who or what or when or where
our lives may lead us to...
"You are a part of me, you know.
The very heart of me, you know.
You are the greatest blessing
I have ever known.
Maybe my dream did not come true,
but I am still here loving you.
Now you and I can dream a new dream,
all our own.
Until that dream comes true,
I will be raising you alone."
Excerpts from Raising You Alone
I am confident this little boy in particular will never lack for love, companionship or security! He is blessed to have so many people who love him and all his special peeps will be watching over him. He is also blessed to have been given the most amazing Mommy ever! Logan's world is so full of Love it bubbles out in his personality for all the world to see, (yes, even on the difficult day's) I alway's knew you would be a gift in any childs life and I'm so glad that child is yours :) Logan's Gippy
Great blog Ti! I love the poem.
We all know those sweet spirits that come into homes where there are two parent . . . but there is no love, no respect, no responsibility, no security. Logan has all of these things and much more . . . No worries Cousin, you are an amazing Mom with a wonderful son. Sounds like a good combo to me!
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