My sister gave me a wonderful book right after Logan was born. It is called, "Raising You Alone." It is a beautifully illustrated story that explains to little ones some of the challenges and differences in being raised by a single parent. Each time I read this story, I am brought to tears.
As a single mommy, to an only-child, I often wonder if my son is being deprived...deprived of love, companionship, and security. I do the best I can but often wonder if it is enough. I wish I could give him the world and everything good in it...the sun, the moon, the stars!
Logan's father is a great dad. He adores his little boy and is very active in his life. He treats his son with respect and guides him with a steady hand. The lessons he teaches him are those that only a father can. For that, I am grateful.
Each day I pray that I will make the right decisions for my son and he will grow to be a kind, loving, and secure young man. I hope the lessons I teach him as a single mommy will be enough.
"Will I ever have enough
to give you everything I think you'll
want or need?
Toys and books and clothes and college?
All the big and little stuff
that says I love you,
and I want you to succeed?"
"I will be there when it matters -
cross my heart, no matter what.
If it's important to be there, I'll find a way.
Out on the field, the court, the stage -
I'll try to be there on the dot.
I want to stand and clap my hands at every play."
"There isn't anyone
that I will ever love as much as you.
And so I promise you, by all the stars above,
no matter who or what or when or where
our lives may lead us to...
"You are a part of me, you know.
The very heart of me, you know.
You are the greatest blessing
I have ever known.
Maybe my dream did not come true,
but I am still here loving you.
Now you and I can dream a new dream,
all our own.
Until that dream comes true,
I will be raising you alone."
Excerpts from Raising You Alone